PORSCHE 935 MARTINI + LE MANS 1976 for TAMIYA BBK.DC12-12042, scale 1/12
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Time period correct 4 sheet silk screen printed trans/replacement decal set to fit Tamiya 1/12 Martini Porsche 935.
This set offers a dayglo orange/red line setup to replace the dull red decals provided in the kit. Porsche used this 'in your face' setup (wait 'till you see the decals :-) untill 1978 and in Le mans even untill 1980. Existing logos got corrected in both design & colour, and new logos were added so you can choose to build the #40 livery as driven @ Le Mans 1976, Ickx Mass Stommelen behind the wheel. To replicate to the closest, the decal uses a phosphorescent background which will light up in the dark for both #40 graphics on the right hand side of the car, just as it did 40+ years ago.
Kit features: 4 sheet H-U-G-E silk screen printed decal set. Colours used for the Martini stripes are official codes, so not to worry about getting cheap repro 'close but no cigar' colours.
price: Euro 60.00
material : see item description